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Monday, November 21, 2011


  • 500 gms of wheat flour needs about 3-4 eggs, salt and pepper, some ground nutmeg, 50 gms of fromage blanc ( quark, curd cheese or just simple curd is ok), 2 dl water and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Make a smooth dough with all these ingredients. Bring some salt water to a boil and using a Chnöpfli sieve, push the dough down in the boiling water.  Cook, till these dumplings swim to the top. Cool in some ice water and eventually fry in some sunflower oil. Season and enjoy.
  • You could also using a cutting board to make some Spätzli, which needs the same recipe. This is so simple and so delicious.  It could be served with any type of meat and goes real well with game. This combines well with vegetables and can be served as a gratin. 
  • You could also serve this as a pasta alternative, using all those italian sauces to damn good. You could also add flavours to your Chnöpfli dough using spinach, tomato, beetroot , squid extract, et cetera.
  • This recipe  makes 7-8 portions of Chnöpfli.

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